Hello parents!!
Thank you all for your patience and understanding with the newsletters. November is the busiest month of the year in a lot of ways! So let’s recap.
In reading we have been learning letter sounds! We are about halfway through the alphabet again. We took a break to review and reinforce the letters we had already learned and to strengthen other skills like rhyming, identifying story elements, and more. We’ve also been doing a lot of decoding together as a class, trying to identify all of the sounds in short words and then blend the sounds back together to figure out what the word is.
One special day in November we got a visit from the Reading Is Fundamental group, who read a story to Kindergarten and did some fun activities with them. Then students got to pick their own book to take home! They were so excited they couldn’t even wait to get into the classroom to read their books!
In Math, we have finished talking about tally marks and numbers 1-10 and lately have been talking about 2D shapes and higher numbers like 11-20. These topics in Math are really fun to teach because there are so many fun hands on activities to incorporate. It’s interesting to let students play with tools and see what they do with no direction. With the shapes, many students made animals or robots but some of them began sorting them on their own volition.
We wrapped up Science this month with making a diagram of a flower! Students enjoyed making their flowers unique and we discussed what each part of the flower is for. Their beautiful diagrams are all hanging out in the hallway.
Also in the hallway is a collection of turkeys that students made for Thanksgiving! We watched a video about turkeys so that they could see what they look like in real life, and then students were given options on what colors to use for their turkey. Everyone’s turkey is so unique and they look great all together. We also gave every student a chance to share what they were thankful for, and they gave the sweetest responses.
We also have been talking a lot about our feelings lately. Taking the time to stop and figure out what we need to do in order to calm our body down is an important part of learning how to deal with our emotions. Our school counselors have been a big help in our room as well!
Students have received, and will continue to receive differentiated homework based on what each student needs to be working on and to also give you all a good idea of what kind of academic reinforcement is needed at home! As Thanksgiving break is coming up please don’t forget to utilize the time off to read as much as you can with your student! I hope you all have a safe time with family over the holiday!
Ms. V 🙂